Saturday, February 25, 2012


(British English and American English)
By reading an article of the same subject on both websites - BBC news and New-York Times, it is found out that the phrasing English between British English and American English in writing newspaper revealed some minor differences language in writing structure and in dialects speaking way in daily conversation. From here, the language researchers stated that the English lost it cultural monopoly role of those who speak English, instead  it sets the cultural difference in the world.
It takes virtually the same form regardless of where it is written, in contrast to spoken English, which differs significantly between dialects, accents, and varieties of slang and of colloquial and regional expressions. Local variations in the formal written version of the language quite limited, being restricted largely to the spelling differences between British and American English, along with some minor differences in grammar and lexis. This research intends to study how the different use between British English and American English in both cases.
 Language used in the news, business writing and Daily Conversation between British English and American English. The difference here is structure, American English writing and speaking are so simple, practical, contemporary. British English writing and speaking are so evolving, diluted, short and very practical.
       Since UK has a long tradition and culture, the British English is purely polite. While United States was a new land of opportunity composed of a multi-culture and multi-nationals. The productivity is a number one priority in the US, people tend to shorten and go directly to the subject in their conversation.
American English
Britain Details Radical Cuts in Spending
490,000 public sector jobs would be lost over the four-year
British English
Chancellor George Osborne has unveiled the biggest UK spending cuts
Up to 500,000 public sector jobs could go by 2014-15 as a result of the cuts program
Ø     Telephone conversation in UK:
§ Can I speak to Mr. John ,please?
§ Might I know who is speaking?
Ø    The same telephone conversation if you are in the US:
§ Can I speak to Mr. John?
§ Who is that?
Watch the steps

Mind the gap
Get in line
Be queing
The economy is down … Then picking up
The economy is poor .. then be taken off

In all languages, sentences are structured in certain specific ways. What is syntactic structure, and what does it mean to assume that sentences are structured.
Language variation does not end with dialects. Each recognizable dialect of a language is itself subject to considerable internal variation between two speakers of  the same language, even if they are speakers of the same dialect, produces and uses their language in exactly the same way .
The deep structure users that expresses the meaning is common to language, so it is claimed, being a simple reflection of the forms of thought. The transformational rules that convert deep to surface structure may differs from language to language.
       Regional dialects in the United States typically reflect the elements of the language of the main immigrant groups in any particular region of the country, especially in terms of pronunciation and vernacular vocabulary.
       There are enormous difference in pronunciation. Nevertheless, there are some differences in the phonology is also important such as consonants, vowels, voicing and aspiration. The difference in pronunciation is quite important in English language because there are more and more people who speak English in the world, but the dialects are not to avoid. So, the spelling correct is importance in English linguistic for all of us.

American English
British English
Director [d ɪˈrek.tər ]
Director [daɪˈrek.tər ]
Later [-t ̬ər]
Later [ˈleɪ.tər]
Evolution [ˌiː.vəˈluː.ʃən]
Evolution [ev.ə-ˈluː.ʃən]
Garage [ ɡəˈrɑ(d)ʒ]
Garage [ ˈɡærɪdʒ]
Smile [smīl]
Smile [smaɪl]
The main differences between American English and British English are the tone and rhythm. In the same root meaning of words, the subtle differences are also high. A number of new words and new metaphors usage originally produced in the United States gradually took root in the United Kingdom only now. To name a few, politician has a bad meaning in American English, but it is only a politician in British English. Solicitor in American English can be used as a "lobby", "salesman" or "beggar", however, it simply means the lawyer the British English.
       I  investigated in the number of differences in writing between them and found out the first one is grammar
American English uses ‘just’, ‘already’ or ‘yet’, they use simple the past tense
"I already had lunch."
"She didn't arrive yet."
Meanwhile, British English uses the present perfect tense
"I've already had lunch." ("I have already had lunch.")
"She hasn't arrived yet."
Or in possessive case American English use
"I have a new car."
British English use
"I‘ve got a new car."
Other different is Vocabulary
British English slang also a problem  'naff', mean 'un-cool' - or 'poor-quality' – ‘bad quality’.
Other different is spelling- 'to practise'
British English uses  'S', P-R-A-C-T-I-S-E.
American English uses 'C', P-R-A-C-T-I-C-E.
A version of the language almost universally agreed upon by educated English speakers around the world is called formal written English. It takes virtually the same form regardless of where it is written, in contrast to spoken English, which differs significantly between dialects, accents, and varieties of slang and of colloquial and regional expressions. Local variations in the formal written version of the language are quite limited, being restricted largely to the spelling differences between British and American English, along with a some minor differences in grammar and lexis.
       Beside  factors grammar, phonetic, other factors which concern to the difference as English dictionary there are 62,000 words while more than 75,000 of American English due to a lot of new and contemporary words added in American language such as:
§ I am googling/I am searching in the Internet
§ Please copy me/Please repeat after me
       In average, the culture influences the difference in writing and speaking way between British English and American English .
        Written forms of American and British English as found in newspapers and textbooks vary little in their essential features, with only occasional noticeable differences in comparable media (comparing American newspapers with British newspapers). This kind of formal English, particularly written English, is often called 'standard English'. An unofficial standard for spoken American English also developed, as a result of mass media and geographic and social mobility, and broadly describes the English typically heard from network newscasters, commonly referred to as non-regional diction, although local newscasters tend toward more parochial forms of speech.
       It is not only dialects in United states but it happens in England also, British English is the form of English used in the United Kingdom. It includes all English dialects used within the United Kingdom, American English is the form of English used in the United States. It includes all English dialects used within the United States.
       The difference as vocabulary is small problem and not influence towards misunderstanding for American and British, more than 99 % is understand to American and British. In England, there are many programs, songs on television from American broadcasting. That American English is acquainted to British. Contrary to American, they not use to watch TV from British broadcasting.
       In addition, English dialects in England is a factor, not all people can speak English as James Bond. Some intonations in all areas in England that we not often hear on radio or on Television .
       English use all over the world,  but the dialects are not to avoid. British and American English are the reference norms for English as spoken, written, and taught in the rest of the world. For instance, the English-speaking members of the Commonwealth often closely follow British English forms while many new American English forms quickly become familiar outside of the United States. Although the dialects of English used in the former British Empire are often, to various extents, based on British English, most of the countries concerned have developed their own unique dialects, particularly with respect to pronunciation, idioms, and vocabulary, chief among them are Canadian English and Australian English, which rank third and fourth in number of native speakers.
       In the food industry, signs for their products are often used in English such as Made in Germany, they do not use phrases such as Fabriziert in Deutschland - of the above means "made in Germany" but a use with English and with a use German. Corporations of many countries around the world often choose English as their primary choice. The Group as a Datsun and Nissan sent telegrams to the English language. As in 1985, 80% Mitsui Group's employees can speak, read and write English, the Toyota group English classes for employees at their organizations. English classes have been retained in Saudi Arabia for employees of Aramco and the oil corporations on three continents under the Chase Manhattan Bank.
          Since the Internet developed in the 1980s to date, a written English has been developed and disseminated by the Internet user. Type of plain English is used a lot of abbreviations and signs of the times (as used IMHO In My Humble Opinion behalf - in my opinion is shallow, or using signs) to the humorous speech itself improvement of a paragraph). Like other plain English, this is a kind of English vocabulary is relatively limited but, unlike other languages, it advocates policy changes spelling of English is the main complex in a way "sound version  "more simple (eg just simple words as well for you and be replaced by U and 4).
        In England British tend to speak elegantly/courteously English with original dialects while the rest of the world people tend to use English in a less complicated and simplified manner in order to avoid misunderstanding.
       British and American English are the reference norms for English as spoken, written, and taught in the rest of the world. The main differences between American English and British English are the tone and rhythm. In the same root meaning of words, the subtle differences are also high.
       English is the language of youth culture internationally. Young people from around the world who used to hear and sing the famous song in English often do not understand the meaning of the lyrics. The words as break dance, rap music, bodybuilding, windsurfing and computer hacking are gradually overwhelmed by the young German slang.
       The language of the information era is English. More than 80% of more than 100 million computers worldwide are English. 85% of all phone conversations used internationally in English, and so on for a number of mail, the telegraph and signal transmission cable. Program guide on the computer and software programs are commonly written in English.
       German was a language of science. But today, more than 80% of the scientific records presented with a first language as English. Similarly, half of the technical and scientific world disseminated in English and used in the fields of medicine, electronics and space technology.
       In the field of international business - English in international business affects most areas in the European economy. English is almost too involved in most elements of business leadership.
       In the media and communications - English dominates in the transport and the media. In the field of tourism and community languages of international aviation, English plays a major role. Pilots, flight attendants and even the staff are English speaking control at international airports. Flags and light signals used in the maritime industry, but "if the vessel needs to transmit signals to each other with messages, they will find a common language and common English then making sure it will be the primary choice ", saying a guard at the coast of the United States, Werner Siems.
Five of the radio station known as CBS, NBC, ABC, BBC and CBC are heard/watched by more than 300 million people who choose the radio because of most popular English language used. English language is also popular on the TV programs transmitted by satellite.
·                 Extract of New York Times News in UK - Spending Review 2010, George Osborne wields the axe, October 20 2010, George Osgood.
Retrieved from
·                 BBC Finance Minister and Britain Plans Deepest Cuts to Spending in 60 Years, October 20 2010, Sarah Lyall and Alan Cowell.
Retrieved from
·                 Adrian Akmajian, Richard A.Demers,Ann K.Farmer and Robert M Harnish, 2001 Linguistics (an Introduction to Language and Communication), Massachusetts institute of Technology .
·                 Noam Chomsky 2009, Cartesian Linguistics , Cambridge New York  United States
·                 Clement G N and M.Halle, The sound pattern of English 1968 New York.
·                 Famer A K and R. A Demers, A linguistic work book, 2001, Cambridge.
·                 Ladefoged P, A course in phonetic, 1994 NewYork .
·                 Mackay I, Phonetic: The science of speech production, 1987 Boston .
·                 Charles F Meyer, introduction English linguistic , 2009 , Cambridge London .
Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Cambridge University Press.
Retrieved from,
6 December 2010.
·                 Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. 1989